Tag Archives: butterflies

A Butterfly Release

As parents B and I perpetually struggle between what will delight O right this minute and what we think is actually good for him in the long run. Screens are especially perilous territory. After some harrowing battles over the parameters of limited screen time, we are now an only-on-special-occasions screen time family. Not having a TV helps this cause.  Who would have thought that I would come to value the 45 minutes that the boys spend zoning out with nothing to do while driving to and fro from visiting family each week? Between our iPhones, the iPad and other assorted electronic items it would be theoretically possible for the Big Bro to have almost no down time. What would it be like to never daydream?

So we were especially delighted by the gift Big Bro’s Nana got him for his 5th birthday. Good, old fashioned fun: caterpillars that turned to Painted Lady Butterflies right there in our kitchen!

Here is the subsequent release:




Big Bro holds a butterfly! Magical!